How-to Add VDR Plugins Repo for OpenSUSE GNU/Linux

Enabling VDR Plugins Repo for OpenSUSE

The Tip Show How-to Add/Enable the VDR Plugins Repository for Linux OpenSUSE 42.x/15.x and Tumbleweed GNU Desktops.

The Video Disk Recorder (VDR) is a free, non-commercial project from Klaus Schmidinger to create a digital video recorder using standard PC components. It is possible to Receive, Record and Playback digital TV broadcasts compatible with the DVB standard.

How-to Add VDR Plugins Repo for OpenSUSE GNU/Linux - featured
  1. Open Console Terminal Shell emulator window
    (Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)

     - Kde OpenSUSE Open Terminal
  2. VDR Plugins OpenSUSE Repositories

    VDR Plugins Repos

    Click on Got to Download repository to Find the Repo to Enable.

  3. Right-Click on vdr:plugins.repo > Select Copy Link

  4. Enabling the VDR Plugins OpenSUSE Repo
    Example for OpenSUSE 42.3-Leap:

    sudo zypper ar

    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then Look: Solution

    This is for OpenSUSE 42.3, eventually Browse the Location for more Insight…

  5. Refresh the Repositories

    sudo zypper ref