How-to Enable the PlayDeb Repo for Linux Ubuntu Based Systems

Adding PlayDeb Repository on Ubuntu Linux

The Article Show Step-by-Step How-to Enable the PlayDeb Repositories for Ubuntu 14.04+ GNU/Linux Based OSs.

The PlayDeb repository extends the official Ubuntu repositories by providing latest versions and new Games.

Unlike the official packages, PlayDeb packages do not have a predefined release schedule – new software versions are provided as they become available from their authors.
There is a short and limited testing phase instead of a full testing cycle to ensure packaging quality, however it is less strict than Ubuntu’s official requirements.

How-to Add PlayDeb Repositories on Ubuntu Linux Bases Systems - Featured

  1. Open a Shell Terminal emulator window

  2. Download PlayDeb Repos Package Installer for Ubuntu:

    Get PlayDeb .deb Package
  3. Installing PlayDeb Repos on Ubuntu

    cd ~/Downloads
    sudo dpkg -i playdeb*.deb

    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then Look: Solution

  4. Refreshing Ubuntu Repositories

    sudo apt-get update