Linux RedHat-Based VMware-Tools Installation Kenrnel Headers Path

This is a Troubleshooting for Missing Kernel-Headers Path on VMware-Tools Installation for Linux Fedora, CentOS, RedHat, Oracle…

  1. Abort VMware-Tools Installation:

    Simply Hit Ctrl+c

  2. Reboot with the New Kernel
    su -c 'reboot'
    1. On Boot Screen Hit Any Key to Open Boot Menu

    2. Select the New Kernel from List

  3. Check if Kernel and Kernel-Headers are Corresponding
    uname -r

    Take note and Confront with:

    yum list kernel-headers

    If the Kernel and Headers Versions are Not Matching then Repeat Preceding…

  4. After If Prompted Again:
    • Eventually Inserts the Kernel Headers Path:
      /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include
    • Else Answer No and Follow to Hit Return Until the Installation Follow Up… 🙂